Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

  • Faster, easier & convenient
  • Having effect that lasts long
  • Safe and Secure
  • Low sensitivity
  • No Side Effect

Do you want a sparkling smile in two weeks?

Get it from the expert professionals. We use only the very highest quality Kosher grade glycerin. Lowest Price; Highest Quality.

We make your smile your identity! Because your smile is one of the most important feature of your body. It's one of the first things anyone would notice when he/she meets you. A whiter, brighter and sparkling smile is gorgeous – it helps you feel better and mark a memorable impression to the people you meet.

Your living style (i.e. your lifestyle) can stain and darken your teeth. There are enormous things that we do on a regular basis which can contribute to stained teeth, some of them are drinking tea, coffee, cola, or smoking and tobacco chewing.

Teeth Whitening gives your smile a new and the best look.

Why Go for Teeth Whitening?

Most of us start out with sparkling white teeth, thanks to their porcelain-like enamel surface. Composed of microscopic crystalline rods, tooth enamel is designed to protect the teeth from the effects of chewing, gnashing, trauma and acid attacks caused by sugar. But over the years enamel is worn down, becoming more transparent and permitting the yellow color of dentin — the tooth’s core material — to show through.

During routine chewing, dentin remains intact while millions of micro-cracks occur in the enamel. It is these cracks, as well as the spaces between the crystalline enamel rods, that gradually fill up with stains and debris. As a result, the teeth eventually develop a dull, lackluster appearance.

Teeth whitening removes the stains and debris, leaving the enamel cracks open and exposed. Some of the cracks are quickly re-mineralized by saliva, while others are filled up again with organic debris.

Bleaching vs. Whitening

According to the USFDA, the term "bleaching" is permitted to be used only when the teeth can be whitened beyond their natural color. This applies strictly to products that contain bleach — typically hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. The term "whitening," on the other hand, refers to restoring a tooth’s surface color by removing dirt and debris. So any product that cleans (like a toothpaste) is considered a whitener. Of course, the term whitening sounds better than bleaching, so it is more frequently used — even when describing products that contain bleach.

Tips for Healthy Teeth

  • Clean your teeth after eating by toothbrush and dental floss. Use a correct toothbrush, and brush and floss correctly.
  • Visit the dentist regularly. Periodontal disease of gums is common in adults and in older people. The dentist can remove plaque from teeth, reducing the number of bacteria - a key to helping prevent tooth decay and gum disease.
  • If you experience the following, then you have chances of a periodontal disease:
    • Gums bleeding during brushing
    • Red and/or swollen gums
    • Gums that have pulled away from the teeth, Pus between the teeth and gums
    • Bad breath
    • Loose teeth.
  • Don't ignore gums that bleed when you brush or floss or changes in the way your teeth fit together when you bite.
  • Ask your dentist about cosmetic options for improving the appearance of teeth that are stained or chipped.
  • Don't use tobacco products; they can increase your risk of gum disease and cancer of the mouth and throat.
  • Don't chew on hard objects that could crack a tooth.
  • Wear a mouth guard when playing active sports.
  • Eat a balanced diet for good overall health, selecting a variety of foods from the five main food groups (bread, cereals, and other grain products; fruits; vegetables; meat, poultry, fish and alternatives; milk, cheese, and yogurt), and limit snacks.
  • Eating sweetened cereals dry is bad for teeth, always add milk.
  • Drinking frequent cups of tea or coffee with sugar added will increase the risk of teeth decay.
  • When less saliva is available on very hot days, one should not consume foods containing sugars that stick in the teeth.
  • Chewable vitamin C tablets with or without sugar are acidic and are a hazard for not only children’s teeth but also to adult's teeth. Do not use lemon juice for whitening because vitamin C will cause the teeth to lose calcium damaging teeth quicker than anything else.

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